Course Projects, 2021

Here are some of the best from our 2021 projects. For past projects, please see the links below.

project years


Eli Hunter

This is the classic asteroids arcade game but played in 3D. Your goal is to shoot and destroy every asteroid while avoiding collisions with asteroids and also the glowing yellow suns. Once you destroy all the asteroids, you will go to the next level which will be more difficult.

Isaac Kellog

The game is a modern implementation of the classic Asteroids game, with 3D graphics. It uses colorful wireframe rendering to evoke the classic visuals, with physics-based movement for a space-flight feel.

Caleb Hughes

An implementation of the classic game "Asteroids" featuring 3D models.

Jacob Smith

An Asteroids game. That is, they will force a wrap sound for the objects that fly through the walls. I really wanted to add a light lance to the ship in flight but It didn’t work out as planned.