- 461: during final period — Monday, December 9, 12-2:30pm
- 561: during final period — Friday, December 6, 12-2:30pm
Goal: In this assignment you will apply what you've learned of basic WebGL and GLSL to build a simple game.
Submission: Submit your partial and final assignment using this Google Form, and demo your assignment during the final exam period.
The main components of this programming assignment are:
- 5% Part 1: properly turned in program (new requirements!)
- 20% Part 2: display spaceship and enemy aliens
- 20% Part 3: animate the spaceship
- 25% Part 4: animate the enemy aliens
- 20% Part 5: spaceship shots and enemy projectiles
- 10% Part 6: make it your own
- Participation credit: Receive participation credit (outside of this assignment) for posting your resulting imagery and video, good or bad, on the class forum!
Note that there is no partial turn in for this assignment.
Our suggested game is a 3D version of Galaxian. If you are not familiar with the game, you can play it online here or here, view some historic gameplay on arcade or console, and find more information about the game at its Wikipedia entry here. There are also many other sources online.
If you would rather implement a different game, you may do so, providing you ask for instructor's approval by Wednesday November 20. To obtain that approval, submit your proposal using this form. Small teams are also acceptable, but the scope of the project must increase to match. Use the same form if you wish to propose a group project. For example, we will approve two-person teams that propose building Galaxian as described below along with all extra credits to earn 100%.
Unlike previous programs, your game is not required to load specific assets (models, textures or lighting). You are free to hard-code paths to the assets your game requires.
We prefer you continue to improve your mastery by using WebGL. You may use any 3rd party game or graphics libraries you find, including three.js and Unity, but with a penalty (461: -5%; 561: -20%). You may not use code from any implementation of Galaxian you find online. We are aware of several such implementations and will be comparing them to your code.
Part 1: Properly turned in program
Remember that 5% of your assignment grade is for correctly submitting your work! For more information about how to correctly submit, see this page on the class website. Since we encourage variation in your games, make sure to include a readme file.
For this assignment only, you can also earn extra credit (461: 2%; 561: 1%) by allowing us to make your assignment public, and providing us with some extra material to aid us in that. We will pick a few of the best assignments and publish them on our course website. If you wish to allow us, please also deliver:
Remember that 5% of your assignment grade is for correctly submitting your work! For more information about how to correctly submit, see this page on the class website. Since we encourage variation in your games, make sure to include a readme file.
For this assignment only, you can also earn extra credit (461: 2%; 561: 1%) by allowing us to make your assignment public, and providing us with some extra material to aid us in that. We will pick a few of the best assignments and publish them on our course website. If you wish to allow us, please also deliver:
- a description: your game in four sentences or less
- a screencast: a video walking us through your game within a few minutes.
During the final exam period, you may optionally demo your game in front of the class (without a separate demo to staff). If you do, you will enter a competition for a $20 Amazon gift card. You will win if your fellow students vote your game the best. Students in teams will be in a separate competition from individuals (if there are enough teams).
Part 2: Display spaceship and enemy aliens
Create and render the player's spaceship and at least 12 enemy aliens. Models should be 3D, and the projection must be perspective, with a view that creates at least a little foreshortening (shrinking with distance). Fancy modeling is not necessary; cubes, spheres etc. are enough. Nothing needs to move.
Part 3: Animate the spaceship
The spaceship can move left or right across the screen when the player presses the left and right arrow keys. All motion (and indeed all gameplay) is 2D on the ground plane.
Part 4: Animate the enemy aliens
The enemy aliens march left and right across the screen, without descending. As they do so, each alien cycles through two appearances (color change is enough, but shape change is preferred). Every few seconds, one alien will begin descending, followed within a second by another. The aliens descend at a constant speed, but also move left to right according to a sinusoid with a randomly determined amplitude. If an alien collides with the spaceship, both are destroyed, and the game is over.
The enemy aliens march left and right across the screen, without descending. As they do so, each alien cycles through two appearances (color change is enough, but shape change is preferred). Every few seconds, one alien will begin descending, followed within a second by another. The aliens descend at a constant speed, but also move left to right according to a sinusoid with a randomly determined amplitude. If an alien collides with the spaceship, both are destroyed, and the game is over.
Part 5: Spaceship shots and enemy projectiles
When the player presses the space bar, it shoots one shot straight up. The player cannot shoot again until that shot either flies off the screen, or hits and destroys an alien. As soon as an alien descends below the lower row of aliens, it shoots three projectiles at regular intervals. These projectiles have a constant speed greater than the alien itself, and follow a straight line downward with a slope that is the negative of the alien's current trajectory. If a projectile hits the spaceship, the spaceship is destroyed, and the game is over.
When the player presses the space bar, it shoots one shot straight up. The player cannot shoot again until that shot either flies off the screen, or hits and destroys an alien. As soon as an alien descends below the lower row of aliens, it shoots three projectiles at regular intervals. These projectiles have a constant speed greater than the alien itself, and follow a straight line downward with a slope that is the negative of the alien's current trajectory. If a projectile hits the spaceship, the spaceship is destroyed, and the game is over.
Part 6: Make it your own
In Parts 1-5, you strove to make your game work "right". Now you should use the techniques you have learned to make the game "different". To earn full credit, all that you must achieve is to make your game substantially different from the standard game, visually or behaviorally, from the standard game, and from your fellow students' games. Your "different" game version should appear after you press the exclamation mark (!).
In Parts 1-5, you strove to make your game work "right". Now you should use the techniques you have learned to make the game "different". To earn full credit, all that you must achieve is to make your game substantially different from the standard game, visually or behaviorally, from the standard game, and from your fellow students' games. Your "different" game version should appear after you press the exclamation mark (!).
Extra credit opportunities include the following, with values in format (461, 561)%. Other extra credits are possible, but must be approved by teaching staff in advance to ensure credit:
Extra credit opportunities include the following, with values in format (461, 561)%. Other extra credits are possible, but must be approved by teaching staff in advance to ensure credit:
- (1, ⅓)% — track and display score. You can choose any scoring scale you want.
- (1, ⅓)% — add a "first-" or "third-person" view, with the camera attached to the frog.
- (1, ⅓)% — add animated effects, which appear when a spaceship or enemy is destroyed.
- (2, ½)% — play music, and on game events play a sound, e.g. for shots or projectiles.
- (2, ½)% — add at least one more level, which increases difficulty. In Galaxian, this typically means faster motion, or more enemies.
- (2, ½)% — add alien flagships and escort ships, behaving as described on the wiki.
- (2, ½)% — add two power ups, e.g. a temporary freeze, or brief invulnerability.
- (2, ½)% — support a second player, either with different keys or the mouse.
- (4, 1)% — add better/different physics, e.g. 3D movement, or acceleration/deceleration.
- (20, 5)% — 3D Galaxian: a field of play with different elevations, jumping up or down, and 3D view control. Viewing QBert gameplay may be inspiring.