Hey everyone,
Individual project demos
By default, you will demo your project 5 on the day of the final, individually (461: Thursday Nov 19 3:30 pm; 561: Tuesday Nov 24 12 pm). We will make the link with remote appointment slots available to you on Wednesday November 18, here and via email.
Class project demos
But, you can instead volunteer to demo to class! If you do so, you can earn 0.5% extra credit, and skip the individual demo. Also, you may win a $20 Amazon gift card, if your peers vote your demo best! (Project teams may demo, but may not enter the competition.)
Extra credit for attending class demos
Also, even if you simply attend class demos, you will get 0.5% extra credit.
Final project demo links
- Attend the class project demos using our course gmeet.
- Volunteer to demo to the whole class with this form.
- Or instead, you can reserve an individual demo with teaching staff using this calendar.