A reminder to look at the ray tracing section of our notes page, and to react to the ray casting short in the topics section of our class forum with the tag #raytracing. I recommend the pdf video, but the text script may be helpful as well. Try to do this before class today, but if you cannot you may have until day's end (including class time) to finish your reaction.
In general, we will not be reminding you each week about reactions, so please monitor the class calendar and if you see shorts or a viewing list for a topic please go ahead and view and react to these before class. You need only post one reaction per day we spend on a topic. If instead of shorts we lecture in class on a topic, please react after lecture. If I am not able to complete a short at least a full day before class, I will alert you to the new short, and you may have a full day to react (after discussion in class).
Professor Watson