Here are the topics for tomorrow's exam. Basically, it's what we covered in class. If it's not mentioned here, it won't be on the exam. In certain cases, I specifically exclude some topics:
- History
- Ray tracing
- Not frameless rendering
- Pipeline
- Understand the differences between model, view, and projection matrices
- Understand how to convert from model to world coordinates
- Rasterization
- Not inside test
- Not polygon fill
- Understand interpolation
- Understand the purpose of perspective correct interpolation
- 3D models and transforms
- Projections and viewing
- Not individual components of perspective transform
- Illumination and shading
- Texture mapping
- Not multipass texturing
- Hidden surface removal
- No early solutions
- No details on how to split poly
- Hierarchies and other structures
- No display lists, strips, vertex caching or vertex arrays
I've uploaded all the pencasts so far.