Come to the nexUX Meetup!

Leah Kaufman, Senior UX Research Manager, Lenovo Global UX eCommerce Team
Your Digital Wardrobe: Studying Tech Use Over Time— Friday, October 18 3PM @ Design’s Burns Auditorium
Your laptop, Alexa, phone, Nest, Roomba, baby monitor, Smart Doorbell — our devices weave in and out of our daily activities. But what happened to the ones we had five years ago? Ten years ago? Our devices mediate relationships, memories, events, and more; and every time we add, drop or change devices, the way we view ourselves shifts just a bit. During this session we’ll look at the chronology of our digital wardrobes and how to study our relationship with technology.
Please bring your questions to the meetup!
Leah Kaufman has been senior UX research manager at Lenovo since 2015, leading a team of 5 researchers who study and test the usability of Lenovo's websites world-wide. She has been UX since before it was "UX", studying cognitive psychology at U. Washington in the late 80s, working on Microsoft’s usability team through the 90s, and doing UX research in Seattle’s start-up scene and at Getty Images.
As always with our meetups, this is not a "sit back and listen" meeting, but a chance for us to bring together a cross disciplinary group of people to think about the relationship between UX, technology, and design. Mostly though, we'll get to know one another, and have some fun. If you'll come, please RSVP!
NOTE: This year’s meetups will take place at NC State’s College of Design, in its Burns Auditorium. Please see our meetups page for details.
This year, our meetups happen at Burns Auditorium in Kamphoefner Hall ( gmap) at the College of Design on NCSU’s Main Campus, with a few exceptions.
To get to the meetup by:
- foot: From Pullen Road, go down the steps on either side of the columns of Brooks Hall to enter the inner courtyard, Kamphoefner Hall is across the courtyard. From Stinson Drive, enter the corner of Kamphoefner Hall. Burns Auditorium is on the first and second floors.
- bus: Free NCSU Wolfline buses service the Hunt Library on several routes. See the full system map (PDF) or the real-time bus tracking map. Get off on Pullen Road next to Brooks Hall.
- car: Park in an hourly lot, and pay with credit card ($2/hr). The closest lots, in order, are by the clock tower, the Ferndell lot across Hillsborough, and the across the track under the Coliseum Deck. There is also paid city parking on Hillsborough and Pullen.