Combining gpu with gpgpu for Maya etc; serving gpu through the cloud
SIGGRAPH tends to be an interesting mix of announcements and demonstrations. Major vendors like NVIDIA like to make their announcements at their own trade shows – or at the very least at a more press-focused show – but amidst the real-world demonstrations you’ll find a few new things that aren’t quite being announced but are being previewed for the very first time. In this case NVIDIA is using SIGGRAPH to present two new technologies to its workstation user base: Project Maximus, and Quadro Virtual Graphics Technology (AKA Monterey Technology). While we aren’t attending SIGGRAPH this year, we did have an opportunity to talk with NVIDIA and discuss these new technologies.
SIGGRAPH 2011: NVIDIA’s Upcoming Workstation Technologies - Project Maximus & Monterey Technology
SIGGRAPH tends to be an interesting mix of announcements and demonstrations. Major vendors like NVIDIA like to make their announcements at their own trade shows – or at the very least at a more press-focused show – but amidst the real-world demonstrations you’ll find a few new things that aren’t quite being announced but are being previewed for the very first time. In this case NVIDIA is using SIGGRAPH to present two new technologies to its workstation user base: Project Maximus, and Quadro Virtual Graphics Technology (AKA Monterey Technology). While we aren’t attending SIGGRAPH this year, we did have an opportunity to talk with NVIDIA and discuss these new technologies.

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